Sunday, August 9, 2009

Che...the face of freedom and liberation for people...everywhere in the world.

"In 2002, Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Latuff introduced a drawing of Che Guevara with a kaffiyeh wrapped around his head. This image was popular amongst pro-Palestinian activists, but did not go mainstream. Why? Probably because it clearly calls for revolution in Palestine, and a call like that is one that neither H&M nor Urban Outfitters et al would like to include in their spring collection."

Ahhhhh, Che! The heroic leader of the people in Central America....the man who removed the evil, and renewed the lives of thousands. The keffiyah isnt just a fashionable, checkered scarff you can now buy at any fashion retailer or outlet. The keffeyeh is a part of Palestinian culture, and has become to be known as the symbol for Palestinian soverignity, freedom, justice, and most importantly...a nation. Like the scarff that wraps around your neck to keep you warm, the keffeyeh does the same thing, except it keeps the Palestinian people fighting and defending what is rightfully thiers. Just like the scarves we wear are a reminder of the cold weather outside, hey a kefeeyeh is a reminder that the Palestinians had thier nation robbed from them! So before you purchase one for fashion purposes, it the fashion you care about..or the Palestinian cause?

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