Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Arab Stereotype

Usually the Lebanese, and Arabs in general, are seen as group of uncivilized, blood thirsty bedouins in horses wanting to kill and destroy every single Christian and Jew in the world... but the West could not be more wrong with this generalization of us Arabs. We see this stereotype in the news, in books, and my personal favourite...HOLLYWOOD! Now the West sees alll Arabs as Muslims. That sterotpye is actually very wrong...Lebanon for example used to be a 80% Christian to a 20% Muslim population. Although this is not the case in Lebanon anymore...the majority of Lebanese WORLDWIDE...are Catholics. Palestinians and Syrians are not all Muslims either...they are about 10-30% Orthodox (Greek) Christians. Iraq has a 20% Assyrian population (for those who do not know, Assyrians are Catholics and Orthodox). Jordan has a 5% Orthodox population, while Egypt has a 10% population of Coptic Orthodox Christians as as you can see not all Arabs are Muslims. Then when it comes to the Arab Muslims...people think that they are blood thirsty, and follow a religion of hate and anger, and one that preaches the destruction of the world...and my personal favourite..a religion that hates Christ. Islam is a religion that DENOUNCES (yes and also prohibits) war and is a religion that ENFORCES (and teaches) about peace. You cannot base all Arab Muslims on Osama Bin Laden (who btw Muslims HATE). Islam also places a HUGE importance on Jesus Christ (the second most important person in alll of Islam). Even though we have a huge importance of religion in our lives, please remember most ARAB nations are infact SECULAR....anywyas these are the main points i wanted to talk about...follow the link and watch "The Reel Arabs" (from begining to the end) and then judge.

my favourite seen in this film starts at 42:33 where it talks about the film Kingdom of Heaven in Lebanon

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