Monday, August 10, 2009


The world seems to forget that almost everything that is used or has been invented was created by the Arabs in the Middle East. But thats not what we take pride in...its our thousands and thousands of years of HISTORY....Take a look.

Name: Damascus
Historical region: Levant
Location: Syria
Continuously inhabited since: Chalcolithic
Notes: Excavations at Tel Ramad on the outskirts of the city have demonstrated that Damascus was inhabited as early as 8000 to 10,000 BC. However, Damascus is not documented as an important city until the coming of the Aramaeans around 1400 BC. See reference for presence of urban life among cattle herders at this date — also due to land fertility and constant water source.

Name: Jericho
Historical Region: Levant
Location: West Bank
Continuously inhabited since: Chalcolithic (3000 BC or earlier)
Notes: Traces of habitation from 9000 BC.
Fortifications date to 6800 BC (or earlier), making Jericho the earliest known walled city. Evidence indicates that the city was abandoned several times, and later expanded and rebuilt several times.

Name: Byblos
Historical Region: Levant
Location: Lebanon
Continuously inhabited since: Chalcolithic (5000 BC or earlier)
Notes: Settled from the Neolithic (carbon-dating tests have set the age of earliest settlement around 7000), a city since the 3rd millennium BC.[Byblos had a reputation as the "oldest city in the world" in Antiquity (according to Philo of Byblos).

Name: Sidon
Historical Region: Levant
Location: Lebanon
Continuosly Inhabited since: 4000 BC [10]
Notes: There is evidence that Sidon was inhabited from as long ago as 4000 BC, and perhaps, as early as Neolithic times (6000 - 4000 BC).

Name: Medinat Al-Fayoum (as Crocodilopolis or Arsinoe)
Historical Region: Lower Egypt
Location: Faiyum Governorate, Egypt
Continuously inhabited since: ca. 4000 BC

Historical Region:Levant
Location: Lebanon
Continuously inhabited since: 3000 BC

Historical Region: Levant
Location: Palestine
Continuously inhabited since: 2800 BC

Name: Tyre
Historical Region: Levant
Location: Lebanon
Continuously inhabited since: 2750 BC

Name: Arbil
Historical Region: Mesopotamia
Location: Iraq
Continuously inhabited since: 2300 BC or earlier

Name: Kirkuk (as Arrapha)
Historical Region: Mesopotamia
Location: Kirkuk Governorate, Iraq
Continuously inhabited since: 3000-2200 BC

Name: Tel Aviv (as Jaffa) OR Tel Abib (in Arabic)
Historical Region: Levant
Location: Palestine
Continuously inhabited since: ca. 2000 BC
Notes: Archaeological evidence shows habitation from 7500 BC

Name: Aleppo
Historical Region: Levant
Location: Syria
Continuously inhabited since: ca. 2000 BC[21]
Notes: Evidence of occupation since about 5000 BC

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