Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Whats new?

SO Ive answered questions to THREE of my messages. I hope they've helped. I saved the hardest question for last, and mostly because there is NO WAY i could answer this question alone, through the internet, and any means in Canada. VisitingBeIrUt you presented me witht he hardest of all questions!!! The message i got was as follows:

"Hey Libnan lal Kil, ive been visiting your blog for the past 2 months now, nothing was new in it but lately you've been really blogging hardcore...thank god because i love reading your personal blogs...i burst into absolute laughter all the time, very different type of personality and sense of humor...Love it. My name is Salah my mother is Lebanese, originally from Kfarnis and my father is a Lebanese-Brazilian from Bednayel who has never visited Lebanon IN HIS LIFE. The thing is, i am in love with my culture, and my heritage, and i have visited Lebanon about 5 times but the last time being in 2007. I need your help, I want places and clubs and restaurants that are NEW...names of them, numbers, i don't care, just pleaseeee give me something new. I really appreciate it. Plus do you know any way for me to get into Skybar without the 5 months in advance waiting list?"

Salah (VisitingBeIrUt), you messaged me about 4 days ago, and i read it about 6 minutes after you sent it to me. I am obviously not living in Beirut, so i couldn't really find all these new places for you to check out on my own.... so i asked my three stooges and my personal gangster(hehe)! I sent Charbel, Adham, Fares, and Lina on a mission. The mission? FIND OUT EVERY NEW JOINT IN BEIRUT! Ive written a couple of times about my 4 friends, and who better to look and tell me about any new place but my fellow Beirutis at Heart <3>

1.) check out the festivals (from Lina)
2.) Establishment Club - Monot, Ashrafieh, Beirut
3.) Sidneys, Vendome, Mabu Restaurants - Ashrafieh, Beirut
4.) Classic Burger Joint- Sodeco, Beirut (
5.) Golden Tulip Hotel De Ville- Sodeco, Beirut (next to the French embassy)
6.) Coral Beach Hotel and Resort- Jnah, Beirut
7.) Pablos Pub and Restaurant - Gemmayze, Ashrafieh, Beirut (Charbel's home away from home)
8.) The Chocolate Lounge- Sodeco, Beirut
9.) Al Falamanki- Damascus str., Ashrafieh, Beirut (Adham tells you this place has the best Lebanese Mezze in the world)
10.) Al Balad Mezze- Nejmeh Square, Downtown, Beirut (
11.) Molly Malone's Beirut Irish Pub and Eatery- Gourard Street, Gemmayze, Beirut
12.) Rue Bliss also has many many many new places and Monot's clubs and pubs have alllll changed since 2007 i think.

Thats all that was sent to me...Soo Salah, i will keep you posted until your trip on the 18th. By then my Beiruti friends will hook us up with some more. :)

P.s.: Skybar is a very...interesting club. It fits 2000 people, but yet you can never be seated or allowed in because guess what? ITS FULL? Nope. Its just very very exclusive! I will send you a number in a message, take it and when your in Lebanon call it, and I promiseeeee you'll get into Skybar ;) . Thats my gift to you for the nice message and your interest and love for Libnan.

Men know best?

Aparently men have chosen Beirut as one of the top 29 cities in the world, booting out Amsterdam! Ya kalbiiiii ya Amsterdam!

Wine anybody?

Another one of my peeps asked me about Lebanese wine. I know the 3 top Lebanese Vineyards and Wineries in Lebanon. But first some background! They all fall in the fertile Bekaa Valley, meaning shu? NOT IN OR NEAR BEIRUT! AHHHH! Hope that doesn't scare you off MilKed201. The wineries are all in the valley, so your surrounded by mountains, ranches, farms, good food, good people and OPEN SPACE! Its a good break from Beirut and other large cities. You guys keep in mind i didn't write the following three "previews" of the Wineries myself, click the names and it'll take you to the site. I PLAGIARIZED! loool (but with good intentions, Milked201 is desperate to know quickly) :)

Chateau Kefraya

In Chateau Kefraya the yearly harvest begins between the 20th of August and the 1st of September, in accordance with samples taken from the vine. These samples are used to determine the optimum harvest period by measuring the amount of sugar naturally contained in the berries, the total acidity and the pH. Offices are in Beirut, but vineyards are in the town of Kefraya in the Western Bekaa Valley!


Chateau Musar

Chateau Musar Family-owned producer of blended wines from Bekaa Valley grapes including Cabernet Sauvignon, Cinsault, Grenache, Obaideh, and Merwah. Chateau Musar is located in an 18th Century castle in Ghazir, just fifteen miles north of Beirut, in Lebanon.The vineyards, which lie 30 miles east of Ghazir in the Bekaa Valley, were remarkably close to the frontline of battles in ancient times and during Lebanon's Civil War.

(961) 1-201828

Chateau Ksara

Over the past decade, Ksara has seen the introduction of new grape varieties that have grown into vines the Bekaa valley has blissfully nurtured. Ksara has also seen developments in technique such as vines cultivation on wires and the attentive application of advanced science by French oenologists, who watch over the vinification, fermentation and decanting processes.

+961 1 328 417

MY FAVOURITE? Ksara= for red, Musar= White

Festivals Galore!

Today in Canada, the weather is absolutely... disgusting. So whats better than blogging? If you add an argeeli into the mix somewhere, nothing is better than that! So I know guys Ive been a little bit lacking in my PERSONAL blogs, but theres nothing really going on now... be prepared that my personal blogs will quadruple in size as soon as I'm in Lebanon....boy the stories.

Today I'm just going to browse through my messages, and im gonna answer a couple of questions for some of my faithful fans.. Mucho lovee...mucho mucho. Speaking of fans guys! my messages are from 210 DIFFERENT individuals! WOAH!

So Ivan from Washington sent me a message asking me about some festivals he should check out in Lebanon with his family...and based on these festivals he will decide what time to visit! So i did my research (yes I did alottt of research for your questions today guys!), and this is what i got for ya :). The dates for some of these Festivals have passed, but they fall in the same month every year! Here's my top 14 Lebanese Festivals! (In no specific order)

1.) -Al Bustan Festival (Lebanon)
17 to 21 March 2010 (the next one will be February 23 to March 27th)
2.) - Beirut International Tango Festival 2010
3.) -Baalbeck International Festival
4 July 2010
4.)-Batroun Summer Festival
July-August 2010 (Check the site for for exact dates on this one)
5.)-Beirut International Film Festival
6.)-Beiteddine Festival
25 June 2010- August 6th
7.)-Byblos international festival
July 1st until July 30th 2010 (THIS is the festival to be a part of this year! I have tickets for almost ALL of the exhibitions: Lebanese Legegnd Wadih El Safi, Najwa Karam and Wael Kfoury [the later two being from my hometown], Mashrou3 Leila, Caetano Veloso,and more)
8.)-Estivales Deir El Qamar
3 July to 6 August 2010
9.)-Tripoli International Festivals
9 July 2010
10.)-Tyre Festival
1 July 2010
11.)-Zouk Mikael
12.)-Dark Matter
Social Design from Lebanon (Part II)
On-OFF 88 - Parliament St.
1 Arab Bank Bldg.Beirut Central district
December 17 till December 31st 2009
From 11am till 7pm
Tel: 00961-1-966179
13.)-Planet Lebanon
June 20-30, 2010
Pavillion Royal Venue in Biel, Downtown Beirut
Call 01-856333 / 09-914692
14.)-Lebanese Mountain Trail Thru -Walk 2010

The Lebanon Mountain Trail (LMT) is the first long-distance hiking trail in Lebanon, and the Arab world ( It extends 440 km from Qbaiyat in the north of Lebanon to Marjaayoun in the south, and traverses 75 towns and villages at altitudes from 600 to 2,000 meters.

The Lebanon Mountain Trail Association (LMTA) is organizing this April the second complete Thru-Walk, from Qbaiyat to Marjaayoun. The objective of this event is to promote the LMT and Lebanon as a world-class travel destination and consolidate support for the Trail’s long-term protection.

The Thru-Walk, an annual event, will: 1. Remind the Lebanese people of the need to protect their heritage 2. Support rural economies in trailside communities 3. Promote responsible eco-tourism as a viable business sector 4. Be promoted as Lebanon’s biggest yearly event, one spanning 29 continuous days of action For more information contact the LMTA at or call them at +961 5 955302/3

I'm very impressed with the festivals list! WOW what a impressive list... or in Lebanese lista hehe. Ivan you also asked me to recommend my top 4 , I'm going to tell you Ive never been to MOST of these but Byblos Festival is my number one this year, followed by Beiteddine Festival, Baalbek Festival, and last but definitely not least the Lebanese Mountain Trail Thru. Those are my top four. The Estivales Deir el Qamar Festival and the Batroun Festival would also be good choices, Ive been to those too...the music isnt as great as my top 3...but the cities are GORGEOUS and packed and full of life. Batroun is a coastal city, and Deir el Qamar is a mountain city. If you haven't noticed Ivan, most of these festivals fall in the same time period/frame, you could actually go to Lebanon and attend three or four festivals in the same month. Keep that in mind and enjoy. Hope I helped :]
You guys I also added a list for Tania here, she asked for the latest Beirut events for the next week or so:
Sat Jun 26 @21:00 -
Timbaland @ La Marina - Lebanon 2010
Thu Jul 01 @08:00 - 05:00PM
Baalbeck International Festival - Lebanon 2010
Thu Jul 01 @08:00 - 05:00PM
Beiteddine Festival - Lebanon 2010
Thu Jul 01 @20:30 - 11:59AM
Byblos International Festival 2010
Sat Jul 03 @21:00 -
Carl Cox - Lebanon 2010
Sat Jul 03 @21:00 -
DJ Tiesto @ La Marina - Lebanon 2010
Fri Jul 09 @08:00 -
Zouk Festival - Lebanon 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

I guess luck is with me as well!

So i ate a fortune cookie today. I was not going to even read the fortune inside, but i did and guess what? THE STUPID COOKIE KNEW WHAT IT WAS TALKING ABOUT TODAY! lool. Take a look at what it said!

P.s. I bet the lotto numbers in the back are big winners too ;)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

ooops! Forgott

Kay kay... i had a message actually from one of my faithful blogging companions asking me about one site that will give him ALL the info needed to plan a trip to Lebanon. OBVIOUSLY, he thinks im not enough! JUST KIDDING David, so this is for him, and anyone else who i have inspired (wow what a word, i feel like MJ) to go for a trip and tour my lovely homeland.
David is also a good sport, he wants to help me in encouraging more people his age to go back and visit Lebanon. Thanks brothaaaaa! So here is what he sent me to post, in hopes to encourage more people to go....

Location: Germany
Age: 21
Occupation: Student- Biological Research Major
Reason/influence of visiting Lebanon: Blogs, and the reputation Beirut has in being a party capital. History of the country (including ruins), and a religious pilgrimage to South Lebanon where Christ performed one of his greatest miracles, and the monasteries of the Northern part of the country.

SO yup here is a website David (and everyone else), use it for info, phone numbers, phrases, hotels/hotel booking, featured clubs, restaurants, cafes, and tours. Its a handy website, Ive used it once actually to find a FULL Lebanon tour. Take a look at the calendar, everything is set to a day in the calendar. Byblos Festival is a BIG thing in July, and the Baalbek Festival i thinkkkkkk falls in August.
P.S. David, you asked me about what type of tourists flock to Lebanon and where they usually choose to stay. It really depends, i mean European's and North Americans stick to the beaches and Beirut for its clubbing and shopping. Arabs from the Gulf mainly take hotels and apartments in the Mountain areas (specifically Aley and Broummana) because its much cooler up there...they like to get away from the heat of the Gulf states. But i mean, anyone can go anywhere. Its all beautiful and no matter where you go, you'll find something to enjoy. Have funnnn and see you when i'm there! :)


Simple blog :)

Hey guys! its raining, and soooo depressing here today. Thunder left and right, but i must say the lightning show is pretty impressive. I have to say we went from 30 degrees Celsius and loads of sun to a pretty nasty downpour. Sooo, my blogs today aren't going to be as lively....weathers got me down :(.

I initially made this blog to show my love for the motherland- hehe soo Russian Mob of me to say, and to kinda change the perspective people have of Lebanon. I keep getting nice messages of people asking me about different places and my experiences,what i recommend and what they should stay away from so i really apreciate the positive feedback! THANKS LOVES! But today, someone asked me what tourism is like this year! My frienddd, i wish i could ramble on and on...but i cant lol. So i'm gonna put a link to a cool article about Lebanon this year,and its tourism. As i'm not in Lebanon (yettttttt =]), i cant talk about its tourism. WHEN I GET BACK, HOWEVER, BE PREPARED FOR SOME LONG BLOGS :).

Here's the article... enjoy it as much as i am enjoying my lemon-mint argeeli (shisha)...yum!

Beirut at heart :)

So i'm being a bit of a downer today. I am born and raised in a Canadian city out west, it's great... Canada is a great place with great opportunities and chances that are not found anywhere else. However, most people have that one place where they unwind, and dont have to hold in who they are, and be someone they aren' that true? or is that only with me? UGH. I woke up today to overhear my mother(bless her soul...voice...not so much) and my father (bless his soul...opinions not very much either) talking, or should i say "conversating" about how excited i am to be going back home. She pointed out my change in the taste of my music - it is back to "hippie-style", as my mother called it-ummm no its called INDIE motherrrrr for the thousandth time. She was also quick to point out that my taste in clothing is very very "weird". Like every crazed Lebanese person going back to Lebanon, you have to shop like crazy kay? you have a country thats almost one year ahead of Canada in fashion, not to mention dressing up and looking like you are walking on the Champs-Elysees about to go into the Moulin Rouge or Lido is expected- at ALL times. She wants to know why i have my ripped jeans, long scarves, hats, striped tanks, funky converse shoes, beaded necklaces and bracelets in my bags and not "normal clothes" hehehehe... Ummmm i think it's because i'm a self-proclaimed Urban Lebanese. Does that make sense? i mean im born in the Canada, my family originated from the Bekaa valley - HELLO FARMS AND SMALL TOWNS- but i think i'm a Beiruti at heart. I see myself walking into AUB with my friends (bless thier souls and voices and opinions) who already go to AUB (American University of Beirut)and chilling and talking about things in Gemmayze after classes that my fellow "Bekaa Valleyians" could not relate to. Does that make sense or am i rambling?
OK, i LOVE my hometown, absolutely gorgeous, so fun, everyones soo friendly (to foreigners) but i mean if i walk down the street in Zahle i could hear the towns people now "hayda mish min 3ena" (translation: he's not from around here") followed by the "akid min Beirut" (translation: for sure he is from Beirut). That may not be a good thing necessarily because Beiruti's tend to be the butt of the jokes in the Bekaa Valley, but come on...someone who hates the wilderness, loves fast internet, the sounds of cars beeping all day and throughout the night, the sounds of clubs and bars closing their doors at 7am only to have the cafes and bakeries to open at 9, the OCEAN because the mountains of the valley are not going anywhere, poetry over zajal, techno over 3ataba, pictures over paintings, music over silence, dance over dabke, and of course the freedom and mystery Beirut has to offer MUST ONLY BE BEIRUTI AT HEART NO?

SO HERE'S MY TRIBUTE TO BEIRUT, WHERE THE REAL ME COMES OUT. And a tribute to Charbel, Adham, and Fares who, along side with me, are.........Beiruti at Heart. <3

(Picture taken in Hamra of the 3 stooges next to the favourite store -Jack and Jones[How Beiruti again])Here's a good beat, ENJOY!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lebanese area of the week #2

I know im one day early on this but i will be too busy to post an area in the coming days, so yup...Now I know MOST people focus on Beirut as Lebanon's main attraction, so I know i'm gonna get the crazy messages of people telling me to pick something new... but come on guys, how can i not feature the CRAZIEST area of Lebanon?? I know OK its in Beirut and you guys want something new an "undiscovered". Seriously, Lebanon is probably the size of New York and surrounding area....ITS BEEN DISCOVERED! Ummm so yes, this week i have chosen GEMMAYZE. I chose it because this is one of Beirut's oldest neighborhoods. The houses are older than the dinosaurs...but its not the "oldness", but it's DIVERSITY, that makes it touch my heart... and the smooth vodka i guess you can say. :)

Gemmayze falls in the Ashrafieh district of Lebanon's capital. Ashrafieh is a Orthodox Christian majority area, and is considered to be one of Beirut's most charming and "lively" areas :). Lets get to the point...Gemmayze. Its actually a BOHEMIAN quarter of Beirut- ahh nice. :) Were talking about an old district full of narrow streets and beautiful historic buildings from the French era. It is well known for its trendy bars and pubs, cafes, restaurants and lounges; a perfect chill out place to have a drink "with soul" and watch the night go by. Rue. Gouraud (oui oui en Francaise ) in Gemmayze has the highest concentration of night venues, particularly at the side closest to Downtown Beirut. Similarly to Monot street, this area is old and historic, and was designed well before the invention of cars, so going by car through its narrow streets requires a lot of patience (a lot doesn't cut it loves). It is however amazing, both in day and in night and worth a visit. Gemmayze borders Downtown Beirut's East side, and it too is a very short walk from the city center. Walking would be the best option, (being dropped off by a taxi at the entrance of the street, and walking the rest, is another option).
Be prepared for the unexpected though, you could see a VERY wide range of people in this area...from foreigners to locals...yesss that includes weirdos too PaulLingston( a fellow blogger, who likes to know about weird things- ya Allah). Ignore the fancy stuff, go straight into the old quarters, and check it out. The staired street is pretty bumping as well :)

P.S. if you come across a black and white cat, run... Ive named this cat BOEBOE THE RIPPER, as it chased me down the street with loud meows and a series of attempts to maul my feet.

So heres some Gemmayze pics, and a picture of BOEBOE. EEW

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