Sunday, June 27, 2010

Beirut at heart :)

So i'm being a bit of a downer today. I am born and raised in a Canadian city out west, it's great... Canada is a great place with great opportunities and chances that are not found anywhere else. However, most people have that one place where they unwind, and dont have to hold in who they are, and be someone they aren' that true? or is that only with me? UGH. I woke up today to overhear my mother(bless her soul...voice...not so much) and my father (bless his soul...opinions not very much either) talking, or should i say "conversating" about how excited i am to be going back home. She pointed out my change in the taste of my music - it is back to "hippie-style", as my mother called it-ummm no its called INDIE motherrrrr for the thousandth time. She was also quick to point out that my taste in clothing is very very "weird". Like every crazed Lebanese person going back to Lebanon, you have to shop like crazy kay? you have a country thats almost one year ahead of Canada in fashion, not to mention dressing up and looking like you are walking on the Champs-Elysees about to go into the Moulin Rouge or Lido is expected- at ALL times. She wants to know why i have my ripped jeans, long scarves, hats, striped tanks, funky converse shoes, beaded necklaces and bracelets in my bags and not "normal clothes" hehehehe... Ummmm i think it's because i'm a self-proclaimed Urban Lebanese. Does that make sense? i mean im born in the Canada, my family originated from the Bekaa valley - HELLO FARMS AND SMALL TOWNS- but i think i'm a Beiruti at heart. I see myself walking into AUB with my friends (bless thier souls and voices and opinions) who already go to AUB (American University of Beirut)and chilling and talking about things in Gemmayze after classes that my fellow "Bekaa Valleyians" could not relate to. Does that make sense or am i rambling?
OK, i LOVE my hometown, absolutely gorgeous, so fun, everyones soo friendly (to foreigners) but i mean if i walk down the street in Zahle i could hear the towns people now "hayda mish min 3ena" (translation: he's not from around here") followed by the "akid min Beirut" (translation: for sure he is from Beirut). That may not be a good thing necessarily because Beiruti's tend to be the butt of the jokes in the Bekaa Valley, but come on...someone who hates the wilderness, loves fast internet, the sounds of cars beeping all day and throughout the night, the sounds of clubs and bars closing their doors at 7am only to have the cafes and bakeries to open at 9, the OCEAN because the mountains of the valley are not going anywhere, poetry over zajal, techno over 3ataba, pictures over paintings, music over silence, dance over dabke, and of course the freedom and mystery Beirut has to offer MUST ONLY BE BEIRUTI AT HEART NO?

SO HERE'S MY TRIBUTE TO BEIRUT, WHERE THE REAL ME COMES OUT. And a tribute to Charbel, Adham, and Fares who, along side with me, are.........Beiruti at Heart. <3

(Picture taken in Hamra of the 3 stooges next to the favourite store -Jack and Jones[How Beiruti again])Here's a good beat, ENJOY!

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