Sunday, June 27, 2010

Simple blog :)

Hey guys! its raining, and soooo depressing here today. Thunder left and right, but i must say the lightning show is pretty impressive. I have to say we went from 30 degrees Celsius and loads of sun to a pretty nasty downpour. Sooo, my blogs today aren't going to be as lively....weathers got me down :(.

I initially made this blog to show my love for the motherland- hehe soo Russian Mob of me to say, and to kinda change the perspective people have of Lebanon. I keep getting nice messages of people asking me about different places and my experiences,what i recommend and what they should stay away from so i really apreciate the positive feedback! THANKS LOVES! But today, someone asked me what tourism is like this year! My frienddd, i wish i could ramble on and on...but i cant lol. So i'm gonna put a link to a cool article about Lebanon this year,and its tourism. As i'm not in Lebanon (yettttttt =]), i cant talk about its tourism. WHEN I GET BACK, HOWEVER, BE PREPARED FOR SOME LONG BLOGS :).

Here's the article... enjoy it as much as i am enjoying my lemon-mint argeeli (shisha)...yum!

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