Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Jewelry anybody?? Beiruti's have always been hip, trendy, stylish, and my favorite... FUNKY :)
We've seen designers like Zuhair Murad and Elie Saab in action with haute couture, a woman who sews crazy purses for royalty around the world but remains anonymous, to a new, and pretty awesome may I add, jewelry line thats hand made. I came across this jewelry line actually on Facebook... it was pretty cool because most of the jewelry is related to Lebanon and parts of Lebanese culture, places, and history. The line has a Facebook group by the name of "Zinab Chahine Ctrl+Z Jewelry Design" . keep in mind these are "Handmade jewelry with a modern oriental twist!". If you have Facebook, check this group out...if not here's an email you can use to get into contact with the designer, she'll help you out with your purchases. Her name is Zinab Chahine and her email is as follows: ctrl.z.design@hotmail.com =] . Kinda creepy i know, that i have this info...but bare with me they were on the group. :P

P.s. if any of you live in Lebanon this jewelery can be purchased at Luanatic in Monot, Beirut.

Here's some pictures, check 'em out:

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