Friday, July 2, 2010

Beirut while we're cruising!

So it's a Friday night. The usual routine for Fridays is wake up, eat, and text Omzi(full name not revealed :P) to bicker and argue like a married couple about what we are going to do later on in the evening. Personally, I don't know why we argue, because we do the same thing EVERY FRIDAY! She picks me up, we go and smoke our Lemon-Mint shishas, while we gossip, laugh, fill each other in on the newest things, and get together with the randoms who message us to "chill".
Omzi is one of a kind, she's a different type of person. She's like me. You like her or you dont...and guess what? She could care less. Coming from Morocco (oooh how exotic), Omzi is something else. Did I mention she has been to Lebanon? :D Anyways, today I get myself ready, typical jeans, t-shirt, my flip flops, and Blackberry in hand and met up with her. Apparently everyone is out of town for a Lebanese gathering in a small town just north of the city, where Melhem Zain is appearing to perform...FREE OF CHARGE! Did somebody say free? YUP. So because of this free concert/celebration the city is dead. You'd be surprised to see the difference in this city when the Lebanese community goes MIA! After a good shisha, and a couple of wild laughs...we got bored. THE FLIPPIN PLACE WAS EMPTY. What to do?
We cruised this city's "version" of Gemmayze. DISSAPOINTING! But I will give it credit, it's the only part of the city where you can confirm life exists here. Anyways we know every Arab/ Lebanese restaurant in this part of the country... but tonight we came across a disturbingly magnificent discovery. There on the busy street was a Cafe Beirut! OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD? SINCE WHEN? We didn't check it out, we'll have to do that sometime soon and taste the food. Ill give you the low-down. I took a picture of it, check it out.

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