Saturday, July 3, 2010

How is Lebanon now, 5 years after Syrian withdrawal?

Here it gets political. Come on? Politics is in the Lebanese blood. It goes hand in hand with humus. Enjoy:

It's been five years since Syria withdrew all of it's military force out of Lebanon. Tuesday April 26th, 2005, witnessed the last of the Syrian troops exiting through Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. I'm going to give a little background. Syria's military intervention began in 1976, one year after the beginning of Lebanon's fifteen year civil war. During the 1980's, Lebanon seen the prime of Syria's illegal occupation with 30, 000 troops deployed in Lebanon. By 2005 there was only 14,000 left. Still a very large number if you ask me. The withdrawal of Syria increased after Israel withdrew from South Lebanon in the year 2000, and with the death of Rafiq Hariri, Lebanon's beloved Prime Minister, Syria had no choice. During the years of Syrian occupation (I call it occupation because our beloved nation was thieved, our people savagely beaten, our women raped and illy-treated, our men in Syrian jails...missing forever, and our freedom at the hands and the mercy of the Syrian Regime), Lebanon wen't through some of it's hardest times. Keep in mind, I do not speak of the Syrian people, who I feel have no choice or can't change what their government does. I blame the Syrian Baathist Party, under the control and leadership of the Alawiite president, Hafez El Assad, and his son Bashar El Assad. With the Syrian withdrawal, the Lebanese seen much changes... most of them beneficial to the country... and it's people.

Today, I am curious as to whether or not Syria has actually "left us alone". I mean, look at the strongest militia in the nation... Hezbollah. Hezbollah, who is aided both financially and militarily by Syria and Iran, has become an aspect of Lebanon's governing body. Meaning they have some say in what goes on and what does not. This group, along with many others (SSNP being one of the largest) receive direct orders and directions from Syria. Meaning? Well, it means Syria is still present in our governing body, in our society, and in the decisions we want to make as an INDEPENDENT Lebanese people. Why after 14 years in Lebanon, benefiting and thieving off the Lebanese people's backs, did Syria so willingly decide to pull-out? Well its simple. They pulled out physically, meaning no Syrian soldiers occupy our land, however they left behind something just as powerful. South Lebanon. The Hezbollah hot house. Through Hezbollah, the SSNP, The Free Patriotic Movement, and Amal, Syria has maintained it's grip in our country, paralyzing it from ever moving forward. I'm not saying these political parties are necessarily "bad", I'm just saying... they are Syrian puppets. See the difference? This brings me to the question at hand. How is Lebanon after the Syrian withdrawal? Well, its just the same. Nothing has really changed at all. Our tourism has increased, our cities rebuilt, etc. But are we actually free? Personally i would say, NO. With the "mo3arada", or the "opposition", as it is called in English, blocking every step to move forward, and defying the Lebanese government... we have not changed. Syria has just slithered from the public eye, sits behind a wall and secretly pulls the strings of the puppets it has created in Lebanon to achieve what it wants when it wants it. So what? Well it is a big deal, I mean the Syrian Regime won't leave us alone, it has ultimately created the LARGEST problem in only it can control. Thats right...the "resistance". Resistance to what may I ask? Israel left Lebanon in 2000, your "role" is done oh professional actor Hassan Nasrallah. Give us a break. Why do we have to fight Syria's battles? Well its an easy question, so here's a simple answer. We fight Syria's battles because the snakes in the Syrian regime are not man enough to do it themselves. So they did what they do best. Let the Lebanese do it for them. On the bright side however, at least we don't have to hear "shlonak" and "mooo" in Lebanon anymore. Thats right Syria it's "keefak" and "mish".

By TheOtherLebanon -God Bless Lebanon, and one day free it from ALL Syrian influences.

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