Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lebanese area of the week #3

BYBLOS! Now known as Jbeil, is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world! Damascus? Jericho? NOPE:) It's Byblos. The first city to be built, as it is now considered, has been around for 7000 years! Lets see what history it has to offer. Akid there is the Phoenician parts of history...but it also has:
  • Byblos Castle
    Built by the Crusaders in the 12
    th century, the castle wall now encompasses the excavation project that was started in the 1920s. (this will be the future venue of my proposal to my wife... loool. how cool to dream!)
  • Ancient Phoenician Temples
    The remains of two temples still exist: the Temples of Baalat Gebal (2700 BC), and the Temple of Obelisks (1600 BC). The Temple of Baalat Gebal was built in worship of the goddess Astarte, also known as Baalat Gebal (Lady of Byblos), around 2700BC. She was also the patroness of shipmasters and her temple overlooked the Mediterranean. The Temple of Obelisks was also built in honour of Asarte and hieroglyphs can be seen on an obelisk. (Lebanon's HISTORY. Ancient Phoenicia!)
  • The Fossil Museum: Memory of Time
    The museum is located in a small alley behind the main souk on Place de la Citadelle. Opened in 1991, it has an impressive collection, most of which was collected from surrounding villages. A must see for anyone interested in evolution.
Apart from the funky history, Byblos is known for its BYBLOS INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL. Mmmm, my favorite. Anyways, i'm gonna link you guys to a cool place you guys can find some more IN-DEPTH info and some pics.

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