Sunday, July 11, 2010

2 days missing?

Two days of no blogging.... mind you it was a very hectic 2 days. I have been preparing for the trip... very excited for that. I also have been doing some family stuff. Yaay! Anjad, kil ma badna nsafir, byitla3oulna bi million family 2oussa! Friday i did a simple blog about the Lebanese I didn't really mention Thursday! Thursday my friends and I, got together at a beautiful park here in the city. We made some argeelis, chopped up some watermelon, and had our diet mango pops (very good), and just sat around and had a good time. So as the group died down, 4 of us remained in the park, so we ordered a pizza to the park! Time goes by and we realize we are the only ones there... we are locked in as they close this parks entrances at 11PM... it was the 12am. So we circle the park and through the park, and honk our horns, and call the city to have someone come and free us...and we are freed. I was going to post some pics of that day, but my Sony camera betrayed me, and deleted itself. I got some pics, but those are not for posting hehehe. Friday night, i did some MAJOR shopping for my, clothes, necessities, and Gravol (<3). Saturday night was a good day spent at the movies with my sister watching...ECLIPSE! good movie you guys, ill have a post dedicated to that one later on hehe, and today IM BACCCCK! Beso!

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