Thursday, July 8, 2010

The rant: Think versus feel?

Men think, and women feel. Thats just how it is.
Why do I make such assumptions? HUH? I just established this is how it is. FACT! Women have what I call "feeling overload syndrome". Example number 1: "I feel fat", "I feel happy", "I feel this is going well", "I feel this food could be better", "I feel my lipstick is wrong", "I feel alone", "I feel like the world is coming to an end", "I feel like my cat is feeling sad", "I have a feeling the bacteria on the table are worried about something", "I feel like you have no feelings". OMG! SAVE SOME FEELINGS FOR EVERYONE ELSE! I mean it's perfectly fine to have feelings, the problem is you say what you feel. Us men, we are thinkers. We don't let whats on our mind leave us, it's not because we have no feelings, it's just maybe we don't want to broadcast it to every living organism in the world.... like imagine a man, tall, muscles, suit, and briefcase walking up to a squirrel and saying "I feel radiant that you have an acorn for winter! I feel you feel prepared!". NOOOOOO! It doesn't work. We will walk by him,look at him and think to ourselves, "Dude I think that acorn is gonna feed his babe girlllllll", we don't beat down the news reporter on the street, grab her microphone, look into the camera and start firing feelings left, right and center! It's not us. I came to this conclusion today after an argument with who I now call "Headache Lester", aka the gf. She said to me "ya allah! ma 3endak e7seis", meaning "oh my god, you don't have any feelings!". Actually I do have feelings, but it's a good thing I was THINKING about them, instead of blasting them your way. You would have really known I have feelings. I love feelings. Feelings are good, but are to be kept quiet, or confided in with a person who expresses their feelings in a similar way. This could also be a good thing though, now that I think about it. If women thought instead of felt, and men felt instead of thought....the world would be a disaster. Come on, Imagine George Bush running around telling people about his feelings, or Clinton. Oh God. "Hillary, I feel good I slept with Lewinski"... or Bush "I feel dumb". Us, men I mean, would put our lives in mortal danger. So maybe God wanted it this way, which makes sense. Eve had to FEEL so loudly, and so constantly. "I feeeeel that apple would taste good, right hunni? I feeeeeeeeeeeeel it looks good. I would feeeeeeel much better if I ate it. I feel you should go pick it". By then, Adam couldn't handle it anymore and thought to himself "gee, I'll pick the damn apple and give these feelings of hers a rest". Good job Eve. You and your "feelings" got us booted out of Eden. :)


  1. I was about to hit my bed when i decided to check my e-mails. In my subscriptions it said you had posted a new blog...had to read it. I FELT it would make my night. as it did. LOOOOOOOL.
    Funnny funnnyy

  2. Hahahaha thanksss! Im glad you enjoy reading!


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