Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My friends don't listen to me. At all. Which surprises me because I can often read what people think, know exactly how they are feeling from their face, and give some good advice. I have a good set of friends, but ok, remember the chika back in Lebanon my friends wanted me to hook up with? You know...the one I talked about in an earlier blog. Well, I declined their offer. Not that it mattered because I came online today, and sat myself on MSN, when I noticed someone had added me. I accepted the add, and what do you know? Its the girl they wanted me to hook up with. The idiots have given her my e-mail. We got to talking, bringing up topics from food to blogs (as she has her own), and all that fun stuff. Mind you, there was no pictures being shown or sent to one another throughout our 1 hour conversation. Curiosity got to me, and I asked for a pic. So we swapped some, and I must say she is a very beautiful girl indeed. My friends described her as a female version of myself (in personality and hobbies), and that she was. Curiosity killed the cat, remember that. After describing our unbelievable bad luck in relationships (we concluded Aries suck at them), I brought up some people from my past. She knew two of them. And thats where the cat died. Not died, lets say the cat was missing.
So I take it, the newest thing in Lebanon is, women gain more interest in men their acquaintances have previously dated. Not only do they like to have someone that was once belonged to someone they know, they let the news spread... quickly. So as of today, kermeil Allah, don't hook me up with anyone. Relationships? Na2isneh waja3 rass ana?

1 comment:

  1. You have this sarcastic witty part of you. You bleed sarcasm. It makes my days. Salut from Beirut


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