Monday, July 5, 2010

Freedom of Speach In Lebanon!

"Three men have been arrested for making fun of President Michel Suliman on Facebook" reads the headlines. Three men WHAT? Are you kidding me? Since when has Lebanon become North Korea? I mean guys...Lebanon is the ONLY country in the Middle East (an one of the few in all of Asia) where people have this right. I find it disturbing that people are getting arrested for this! What in God's name? Anyways, my favorite blog, Blogging Beirut, posted a link to an online petition demanding our freedom of speech. And freedom of speech we will have. Like my fellow bloggers have mentioned... I think you should worry about the corruption, poverty, electricity, the people above the law, pollution, our continuous problems with Israel and Syria, weapons everywhere, cancer caused by power plants in North Lebanon, the unhealthy food that is produces, the drying up of our lakes and rivers, our decline in healthy fish in our rivers, landfills left for the sun (hello they produce methane!), deforestation, theft, failures in infrastructures, deterioration of our ancient landmarks, and the oil we have now discovered off of Lebanon's shores (thanks bloggingbeirut for that). Do you see Obama arresting people left, right, and center for mocking him? Nope. And trusttttttt me, a lot more people do that.

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