Monday, July 5, 2010

2 things people say about Lebanese people??

The two things I always get about Lebanese people? "Your country's accent is so annoying" and "you guy's flirt like crazy! Do you always have to say habibi?"

Number one. Our country does not have an accent. Simply because the people in countries have accents. Do you see a rock saying "Shu haydaa?". NO. Why? Because countries don't speak. Their people do. Now lets re-phrase your question. Shall we? I believe what you mean to say was "why do Lebanese people have an annoying accent?". Number one, dont let the jealousy kill you. What is sooooooo annoying with the way we speak? Ok, so it has a little dala3, it is a bit feminine in parts, and we have a lot of emotion in our words. Big deal! If you haven't noticed, it also has class, and a weird and beautiful flair to it. It's like music to the ears. It's... great. I mean come on lets compare words you bunch of rudes! What would you prefer:
Kashouga? or Mala3'2a?
Sareer? or Takhet?
Shako Mako (wtf?!)? or Shu fi ma fi?
Khosh Gowwa? Foot la joowa?
Beenayah? or Beenayeh?
Shlonak? Keefak?
Moo? Mish heik?

Like COME ON PEOPLE? your talking about Lebanese dialect and yours are not much better. I love the Arabic language. I love all the dialects, but people... We top it all! So stop asking me why our accent is so annoying. What's annoying is the jealousy problem you guys are facing. Maghribeh anyone? Wait...I gotta grab my translator. Sooreh? When I have time I will listen to you and the immensely long endings you put on words. Shlonnn?

Number two. Whatever happened to emotion. Expression? Tkaffnineh, to2obreeneh, hayateh, albeh, rou7eh, habibi, sanadeh? We love to love. Besides, we don't complain about the "tishkol 2aseh, titlla3 3ala 2abreh, and tid3as 3ala rou7eh" popping out from Syrians. At least we do not include DEATH in our emotions about love ALL the time. Besides, Saudi's say "ba3ed galbi"... you dont hear us running around asking you why you want her after your heart do you!?! And Egyptians say "ya dalaya".... ya what? What the flip is a dalaya? What im saying is, we like to dalee3, and we like dala3... its a weakness. Walk down the street and see. The only person who's going to comment you will be a Libneneh. hehehe (ya right!).

The thing is, I find us Lebanese to be...misunderstood. A litttttle bit hated on. Some jealousy. And seen as easy targets. Go call a Bekaai man a na3nou3, you'll be in for a surprise.

P.s. Guys im being a bit "out there" myself. No insults intended. All in fun, and part of my venting. Done now. :)

So check out these cool links. From Wikipedia of course but still interesting: (Libneneh, Syrian, Jordanian, and Palestinian accents are Levantine)


  1. I came across your blog through a post on facebook. I'm egyptian and its so funny when you said ya dalaya..ya what? hahahahahahahaha come on though. Masri is a nice dialect. Love the Lebanese one as welll!

  2. So I know how each dialect in the Levant is different. But lets say inside the countries, does it get really different as well?


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