Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lebanese Diaspora!

Wow. Lebanese EVERYWHERE you go. It's crazy actually, because there isn't a continent on this planet that doesn't have a huge Lebanese population. I came across a cool distribution of the Lebanese diaspora. However, something is off... my Social Studies textbook, 6 years back told me that Brazil ALONE has 12 million Lebanese. But on a striking, and pretty cool, note there is something to take into consideration. The diaspora moves to certain parts of the world depending on where they come from in Lebanon. For example, West Africa and parts of Central Africa has a majority of it's Lebanese diaspora from South Lebanon. Western Canada and Michigan in the USA has a heavy population from the Bekaa. Michigan has its Bekaai's from Baalbek, Hermel, and Shmistar. Western Canada has a huge diaspora from the Western Bekaa, Central Bekaa, and Northern Lebanon. Beiruti's and the Lebanese from Mount Lebanon also take up much of Europe, USA, and Eastern Canada. Brazil and Argentina are MIXED, since theres almost 9 million in these two countries alone. Where are youuuuu guys from?

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