Friday, July 16, 2010

Cannot sleep!

Heyy everyone! It is Saturday, July 17th here in Beirut. The current time is 6:02am. I cannot sleep. I have tried to sleep, but I cant. So I decided to blog my last 48 hours for you guys. I have spent the day touring around Beirut, I have no beach time, so I watch the ocean as much as I can. We got home from Gemmayze, literally, 2 hours ago...and my tipsy-ness is starting to fade! Because my stay is only 9 days this summer, hence the over-swamping myself with thousands of things to do, I probably will not see my Canadian friends who are here as well. Bummer. They'll understand that my Beirutis have planned out every second of my 9 day stay right down to the to the last second at the airport! It's actually a bit foggy here in Ashrafieh, as I am staying with Charbel and Lina. So this is what happened. I landed, and after begging them I need to stay at my hotel, as I had reserved, and they will charge me either way, they agreed. So after my landing celebration at Gemmayze and Celtics in Monot, they dropped me off....LATE. I slept two hours, which is okay, considering my sleeping pill kept me asleep during all of my Canadian Airlines flight and half of my MEA airlines flight as well. Precisely, at 9:57 am, the reception girl, who is clearly OVERLY DRESSED FOR HER JOB, she looked like a walking doily, calls my room and tells me I have visitors in the lobby. Charbel and Lina, and a good friend Assaad, were sitting there insisting I check out on the spot and head to their place. I didn't even bother to argue, and I did as I was told.  

We cruise Beirut, and guess what? I cried, hehehehe. I've been uploading pics for my friends like crazy over Facebook...god...thank you for my Blackberry.  Crepaway is as tasty as ever, and partying like this has never felt better. P.s. I haven't gotten sick yet (knock on wood).  So today after drinking up at Barbu, I am unable to sleep. My argeeli awaits me on this balcony, and I will probably smoke it, and fall asleep for an hour before I have to be up again.  I go to Syria tomorrow. 5 hour limit as Charbel has directed me, so I will be back to spend another crazy night here in Beirut. Sun 7 is a new place I have to check out, it is "roof-top" just like Skybar, and yess just as exclusive.

Anyways, I will fill you guys in on the creepy hot dog guy, and the rest of my adventures in Beirut later on. 

P.s. I have a date tomorrow with a nice French girl spending her summer here tomorrow night, she will accompany us to Sun 7. Elodie is her name. I met her at Barbu, very sweet. And oh so French. Ana ba3reef e7keh Faranceh??? Je ne sais pas....thats for sure. I figured out my French is terrible when Lina and I jumped onto the bar and danced like idiots... my friends, I was cheered on like I was a male stripper. HOW ENTICING! Her reaction to that was: qu'est-ce qui se passe (whats happening?) ?!?!? followed by a loud laugh. My reply was tu veux quoi?dis-moi ce que tu veux! meaning (you want what? Tell me what you want). Layko manna jursa! I will definitely work on my French for our date at Sun 7.

 Anyways BeirutOnline, and myself are meeting at Paul's Bistro after tomorrow at 12:00 noon for some lunch. Everyone is welcome to come.  I look forward to meeting all of you!

Gosh it's great to be home.  Here is a view from the apartment and ill post a link to the song that was playing in the airport as I kissed the floor (it started the water works hearing this song and kissing the purest and most loving of floors). Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. heyy Seif!!!
    OK so this is the deal, your probably running around now so you wont see this message until later. a couple of friends and I (about 5) will meet you and BeirutOnline at 12:00 noon ba3ed bokrra. You said we are all welcome, so i invited myself and some friends who read your page. see you then!


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