Saturday, July 17, 2010

The rant: Hezballah again?

I have been most fortunate to see my beloved homeland this year, even though it is for a short period of time. Many of you abroad and in Lebanon have been hearing a lot about the "War of Words" between Hezballah and Israel as it has been escalating to a point where worry is spreading quickly across the nation. It all started when a group of women from Lebanon, Europeans, and some journalists have been preparing a flotilla to Gaza. Israel says it will "take an necessary action" to ensure it's safety. Fair enough. Great, so once again Lebanon inches closer to a war like the one in 2006 because Hezballah likes to pick a fight.  We have to sit around watch Hassan Nasrallah talk on behalf of Lebanon, a country with a large percentage of people who do NOT support him, and threaten Israel, its existence, and Tel Aviv. Oh my God, can you give it a rest? Like are you a lunatic? This is coming from a man who claims the Lebanese government isn't doing enough for the "Lebanese people". Do you blame them? I mean, our country is still trying to form a stable economy after its civil war, and frankly you causing wars for no reason DURING THE TIME LEBANON MAKES MOST OF ITS REVENUE IS NOT HELPING! Come on, yesterday 30% of reservations to Lebanon have been cancelled. The year where Lebanon is officially back up on its feet, being called the "best" place to be for the summer of 2010, making billions of dollars, and you go around acting like Rambo?  We get it, you have weapons, but hopefully not for very long. Being a Lebanese who lives outside of Lebanon, because I'm scared theres going to be a war every year, scared to ruin my future, and my family's future I am forced to live bil GHHORBEH while you sit around and act like your Lebanon's "godsend". I'm sick of it, the Lebanese outside of Lebanon are sick of it, Lebanon's people are sick of it. Wake up and do whats good for Lebanon....DISAPPEAR OFF THE FACE OF THE PLANET! I'm sick of hearing "Lebanese Resistance" too. Resistance to what? Life? If I recall correctly Israel left our Lands in the year 2000, you have nothing to resist. Your a power hungry, desperate, attention loving idiot. And the people who sit behind you are just as messed up. Go and fight Israel from Syria, from Iran, or from the middle of the ocean. Anywhere but here. 

Im done. :)

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