Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bye bye

So I'm all done, all ready, and can't wait for the best 8 days of my summer, and possible the year! I'll definitely be posting from the motherland whenever I get the chance (as I will be SWAMPED and cramming everything into these 8 days).  No beach for me this summer, just events, and some major catching up! I doubt I'll visit the valley, and if I do, it won't be for a long period of time. Maybe just a drive so I can take a whiff of it's amazing freshness! Looking forward to meeting you my fellow blogger, and faithful fan "BeirutOnline"... I'm thinking brunch at Paul's? Let me know what you think about that. Everyone else... have fun, be safe, and keep the smiles going! Stay posted, for sure I will have some interesting things posted up on here.

P.s. any of my readers in Beirut that messaged me about getting together, I will definitely post on here what day BeirutOnline and myself are getting together and where, you all can come and join! Yallah khaleena net3araf!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you already... I cannot express in words how much I really do miss you... tears... I LOVE YOU!


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