Sunday, July 18, 2010

Seif and the Freak wedding

Bonjour!! Morning is beautiful here today! I woke up to a magnificent ringing of the church bells here in Ashrafieh! My godson has been getting a little bit bored lately, and being the coolest godfather bil 3alam, I went out and bought him a cute little orange kitten. I know the animal fanatics and their animal safety sirens are blasting, but its okayy, he's not going to kill the kitten!I have, however, witnessed a wedding the other day as I passed Ras Beirut (my favorite neighborhood in this city) and noticed a wedding procession. I know that there is always the zaffe in a Lebanese wedding, which is very important, and usually very lavish. So I stopped and decided to watch a bit of it, you know because like I said they really are very lavish.  This one had two belly dancers in bright red prancing up and around the entrance of the building. It also had a fir2a, or Lebanese dance group, doing dabke and other traditional dances. I could hear the zalghouta's from the balcony and flowers showering the floor from above. But wait... where is the bride?  Oh thats right, she is coming down the stairs of the building, being carried actually, in a huge CLAM like she was some flippin mermaid. I noticed on the side, 4 men hauling a HUGE cake into the back of a truck, and talking about how they are taking it the hotel for the bride.  I looked at Charbel and asked him "why in the wolrd does that huge ass cake have a door?". He smiled and said "it's obvious. The bride is gonna come out of it in the hotel!". The bride is what?!?!?! I mean what in the world is she jumping out of a cake for? She already looked like Ariel from the little mermaid,  she wanted to top it off by looking like a porno bride jumping from a cake?

Lebanon has gone to the extreme in showing off, looking lavish, and being super superficial. The wedding must have been like some game show if you ask me. Not a celebration of union between the two.

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