Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blague du jour :)

Oh Twilight, oh Eclipse. I GET IT. They are out. Look, coming from a male perspective I liked the books. Reading them as a challenge from my sister, and for an English 255 book report, I have to say I have a love/hate relationship with them. I like the little mystery, the romance, and the crazyness...all parts of a good film I guess. But come on! Woman loves vampire unconditionally? How the heck am I going to look at relationships the same? You woman give Edward all this praise, HAVE YOU GUYS THOUGHT ABOUT THE RISK BELLA IS IN? I mean....she's the mortal. Big deal Edward acts like a gentleman, she's the real hero....mon obsession du jour if you will.
Anyways, films = okay...nothing great. Books = good story. MEH. So in all this Twilight craze, I came across a video that killed me. I literally died from laughter at this little British bloke, and his reading of Twilight. It was a good way to start the day. Check it out. :) Time for an argeeli! Tfadalo!

P.s. : ALL his videos are pretty funny. Check those out too :P

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