Friday, July 2, 2010

Where have all the real Lebanese women gone? If there's any in the room PLEASE stand up!

Coming from the Bekaa Valley, my idea of the real Lebanese woman is one who will be with you until the end, no matter what. She is a woman who has a strong personality, but is very feminine at the same time. She is someone who laughs and cries secretly because she doesnt want the world to know how she's feeling, on who has a smile like no other, and knows how to handle herself in any situation. She should know our traditions, but embrace change. But most importantly, she should have two things. Class and a brain.

I'm not sitting her stating that Lebanese women don't have class or brains. I'm saying its very rare nowadays. The past three years have changed my opinion about Lebanese women. They went from the IDEAL woman to the worlds best gold-diggers. I'm not talking about the typical bimbos, i'm talking about the women who have a good education, come from good families, raised with good morals, have dreams and passions, and could ultimately one day be very successful on their own, who are settling for the nearest, fattest, baldest, hairiest, and sweatiest rich man. I mean sure his car beats any person's car that you know, he spends more in one day then "so-and-so" does in 3 months...but anjad?

Go for whoever you want, ultimately it's your choice in the end, but please don't give me the stupid excuse like i'm in love with him because "albo tayeeb" and "he treats me good"... drop it as fast as you dropped your self respect. By the way, when girls say words like that, my brain automatically translates it into "Al Language". Al Language (mine hehe) translates those 2 sentences as follows: albo tayeeb = i can look past his fatness and his nastyness, he treats me good = he spends lots of money on me. Thats ALL it means. So just say it. What happened to true love? I mean 90% of our women are superficial and 75% silicon... did you have to implant LOVE with botox as well?

The point is, what happens to the genuine Lebanese man? I'm talking about the one who will love you with all honesty, and care for you 20 times more than the millionaire who bought you. 3al 2aleeleh (translation: at least), the genuine Lebanese man wont have a pet name for you and his car. Does the genuine Lebanese man become kikha? Opt for whoever you please, and whatever you want... i confirm that the problem isn't "Lebanese men" as you women have said, the problem is you gold-digging women. Do as you please :). But this is the real question. Is there any real Lebanese women out there? The ones who love you no matter what, jump onto the back of your motorcycle and elope with you, not caring about anything but how much she cares for you? If there is, drop me a message... it will help me with my sanity.

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