Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The ever failing love life of a nice guy.

Nice guys finish last? You know how much I hate that phrase? Like what if we would like to finish first sometimes. Do we have to be 40 before we find the right woman for us? I tried to find an answer to this. Maybe we are too picky? Nice guys can be picky right? WRONG. If they were picky they would have been called picky guys... not nice guys. I came to the realization that, heck you know what? It's not us nice guys. Women just like assholes. You sit there and smile, they would like to know what is it thats sooooooo funny. DO YOU SEE ME LAUGHING? It's called a smile. Or better yet, when they get angry and you tell them how cute they are when they get all worked up.... it gets them irritated that you cant get mad. I mean SHU BADKON? So maybe we are too nice. Maybe too perfect?! All i know is that pushing my buttons, and testing my patience isn't going to help in the advancing of this relationship. I think I was a nice guy in all of my relationships, looking back, the one where the girl was the most interested was the ONE TIME I WAS BEING A JERK.

Maybe I will take some of my friends's advice. I hear a perfect match for me awaits in Lebanon.... on second thought, I'll pass. I think too much failures put me on a dating strike. Welcome back life of the single... *rolls eyes*.

Whatever it is, finishing last sucks. Big time. Tanti baci to the bellas out there who like nice guys.

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